a blog by Peter Stekel

FINAL FLIGHT is the story of four aviators lost in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks on November 18, 1942


Read more about FINAL FLIGHT here.


February 2013

I attended the 2013 History Flight planning meeting last January in Key West, Florida. A major goal of History Flight is to research and help locate the remains of over 78,000 American service members still missing in action (MIA) from World War II. At the meeting I had an opportunity to meet with many men and women who have spent large amounts of their own time and money on various MIA cases from World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. There was an amazing wealth of knowledge and experience in the group. On more than one occasion I reflected on how much easier my research with Final Flight would have been if I had known about groups like History Flight.

One of the people active in History Flight is Paul Dostie. A retired police officer from California, Dostie has trained a Labrador Retriever to track the chemical signature of human remains. Such a dog is usually referred to as a "cadaver-dog." Dostie's dog is named Buster. HERE is a link to an article about some of the work Dostie and Buster are doing on the nearly 70 year old cold case of the Black Dalia - a murder victim from Los Angeles, CA. Pretty amazing work by a very amazing dog and his trainer.


On January 26, 2013 I spoke for a second time at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. HERE is the program announcement. They will be posting a video of my presentation. When it is released it can be found HERE and also on the Final Flight YouTube page HERE.

This second presentation focused on the lives of the four crewmen of the AT-7. My first presentation on January 11, 2011 was centered on the central mystery of the crash and my hypothesis for what happened.

Meanwhile, you might be interested in other videos about Final Flight that are on YouTube. Click HERE for a listing including videos of my previous appearance at the museum.


I will be returning again to Mendel in August, 2013. This time I will be accompanied by several people who will help with conducting an organized search for the remains of 2nd Lt. William Gamber and Aviation Cadet John Mortenson. Please check back at the Final Flight blog for more data as plans are finalized.

And finally, what is a hero? Is a hero somebody who makes a few million dollars/year playing sports? Or somebody who did THIS?






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write to: peter[at]


copyright 2010 Peter Stekel all rights reserved



Final Flight, Mendel, Mendel Glacier, Sierra Nevada, Peter Stekel, Leo Mustonen, Ernest Munn, William Gamber, John Mortenson, Kings Canyon National Park, Beech 18, AT-7, plane crash, mummy, JPAC, Wilderness Press, finalflightthebook, blog, 41-21070, airplane, lenticular cloud, hypoxia, navigation, wilderness